Program Rekalibrasi 合法化非法外劳

Here, we attached the official process of Program Rekalibrasi for your reference. You can submit application yourself or appoint a private employment agency, category C to work for you. Off-course, I strongly urge you to study the process first before you make a decision. Click here to download the official manual from JTKSM.

JTKSM and Imigresen Malaysia are the government branches which involved in the process of PATI legalization where no vendor is appointed. 

Here are the steps. 

1. PATI Screening. Email your PATI  documents, liked passport copy and company profile SSM to Imigresen Malaysia to . You will get a PATI verification letter if the PATI is eligible for further process. Or else, the PATI will need to surrender and back to their source country. 

2. Getting Approval. With the PATI verification letter, you can proceed to  EPPAX submission. JTKSM will decide how many workers you can hire. Check your quota first before you make submission. Here are the tips of getting approval faster from JTKSM. 

3. Issuance Work Permit. After getting the approval from JTKSM , you can arrange workers for FOMEMA medical test and submit to Imigresen Malaysia for issuance work permit (PLKS). Make sure your workers medical test are fit to work.  

The process may vary from time to time. So, please check with the official website or private employment agency , license C to clarify the latest info. If you need our assist, click here to fill your details and we will attend with you shortly. 

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