You shouldn’t drink poison just because you’re thirsty; you shouldn’t tolerate with the bad behavior worker just because you’re short of manforce. Bad behaved worker is liked a virus. So, I believe you have the same kind of feeling as me if you are running a organization. Therefore, I’m pretty sure you will agree that employee is the greatest asset in company.
How to retain the good one and train them become better is a main task. Here are the good practice.
- Decide the character of your workers. We have to admit that not all kind of workers will fit our jobs. In spite of capability, hire the candidates who fit your company culture. You can train a person, but you can’t change a person character. For that, think twice before you decide to hire someone.
- Put the right person at the right place. Based on the Peter Principle, everyone will reach their peak of capability, no matter how hard we try. Assign the position to the worker who can manage the job and able to outperform after training. If they fail, reallocate them and give them oppurtinities to prove their capability.
- Set your Key Perfomance Indicators (KPI). KPI is an evaluation tool to monitor the workers productivity. With KPI, the underperforming worker shall not enjoy the award, liked overtime incentive. Always remember the Convict Hulk Theory, a good system can help employee outperform, wherease a poor systmem also can cause employee underperform.
- Terminate the underperforming worker. The bald always start from the first hair loss. If you had provided training , counselling and warning, but he/she still unable to improve. Then, please do not hesitate to terminate them. Here’s the story about us. We terminated a worker who like gossip, evethough she was outperfoming in work.
Last but not least, Sam Wallton the founder of Wal-mart Stores said: “No one like to terminate an employee. But, this is a crucial decison for management as always because it can affect the future of an organization.” Based on the Krishna Harsh Law, huge number of workers doesn’t reflect the actual productivity, but the underperfoming workers will increase your operation cost.